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My GitHub

Let's just start with the quick intro of my GitHub page. It's a work in progress. Admittedly not been as active as I should be on it but I use it to store some things I've worked on/still working on in trickles.


My gaming passion...

I've been playing games since I can remember breathing. My first console was my awesome N64, that gave me endless hours playing Super Mario 64 and Diddy Kong Racing. Skip a few years... OK skip many years later, in my university days (around 2008-2012... yes I'm that old already!), I thoroughly enjoyed the modules City offered throughout my course, especially the first year summer holiday project of a C# using Microsoft's XNA. I'm probably too old for most people to remember XNA, but it was Microsoft's own 'Game-Orientated' platform that you could whip up awesome games in. My IDE of choice at the time was Visual Studio 2008 Express - thank God we've moved on to greater things like Visual Studio 2019! As a side note, I was pretty happy with the car racing game I produced which, I think, now has over 10,000 likes on YouTube!

Pacman-style Game in C#

Grand Theft Mario in UDK

Pacman-style Game in Java

Car Racing Game in C++/OpenGL

My coding on the side...

So, as one may have gathered, I have a passion for coding. I do work as a full-time software engineer at a company specialising biophysical components and machines, and I'm currently one of the leading developers of their latest machine that will be launched very soon this year. In fact, the code base, and a lot of the code currently put into that software, was predominantly written by me, which I take a personal pride in. Source control and code reviews are always top of my list, with frequent peer reviews, strict coding standards and sensibly designed source control architecture, it's pretty neat to have our code in such a clean and organised way.

In my opinion, this is how things should be. Luckily, in all the previous companies I've been to (kudos to them), their source control architecture was controlled, clean and would implement such continuous integration tools such as Jenkins to help make everyone's build processes a lot simply and automated - pipelining builds is a Godsend. This is kinda my style - I like working in an environment where things are controlled, our source code is safe and sound, and you don't have any Tom, Dick or Harry just committing left, right, centre into master and essentially breaking the entire production code.

I've gone on a tangent again... *le sigh*, but back to what I was originally banging on about, my passion for coding. Over the years, I've picked up multiple languages, whether it have been from university or working in the field in general. C++/C# are my fortes, then I've done a good level of Python, some Java (been a while...) and I've touched other niche little programming languages in the past as well. I believe Ruby integrated with Puppet was something I had to touch for a substantial period... eek!

On the plus side, out of all of this, I've managed to create an Android and iOS app called Diabee (albeit, not massively successful... as I didn't really advertise it and it was more just for learning), I've messed about with creating a bus system to track school buses, which I do want to complete at some point, and currently, I'm working on a GPS tracker. The GPS tracker is also a nice little side thing for me to get to grips with electronics - a dormant passion of mine that I absolutely suck at and want to learn more about.

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